
Thursday, 3 April 2014

Branch Compliance Officer (Kenyan Jobs, Jobs in Kenya April 2014)

Title: Branch Compliance Officer
Oxford University Press (OUP), the largest University Press in the world, is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide.
Oxford University Press East Africa Limited (OUPEA) furthers the University’s mission in research, scholarship and education by publishing quality educational materials for Kenya.
OUPEA is seeking to recruit a high calibre, results-oriented, experienced and highly skilled professional to the position of Branch Compliance Officer.
Summary of the position: This is a key position contributing towards fulfilling the mission of OUPEA.
The job holder is responsible for the implementation of the OUPEA Corporate Compliance Program, for establishing standards and procedures to avoid illegal, unethical and improper conduct and for ensuring these standards are communicated and institutionalized throughout the branch and those we work with.
The BCO will report to the Divisional Compliance Officer, based at the Africa Regional Headquarters in Cape Town, South Africa.
Duties and responsibilities:
  • Implementing the Corporate Compliance Program in line with OUP Group requirements
  • Communicating the OUP Code of Conduct in the branch and to those we work with
  • Ensuring that the branch conducts business in an ethical way
  • Ensuring consistent adherence to all local and international legislation
  • Training staff on the program
  • Interacting with advisors to be able to assess legal requirement and other regulations in Kenya
  • Ability to keep current with the latest guidelines by OUP Group and local laws on Anti-corruption and Economic Crimes.
The Person
  • The position requires a relevant Bachelor’s degree with at least four years relevant experience.
  • The ideal candidate should have at least three years experience in management, budget monitoring and control, and project planning and management.
  • Internal audit or other related control function responsibility will be an added advantage.
  • In addition, the individual must demonstrate an understanding of the dynamics of the publishing industry in Kenya.
The Offer
If your career aspirations match this exciting opportunity, please write in confidence quoting the position title and reference number on the subject of the email or cover letter on or before 10th April 2014.

Applications including your curriculum vitae, a working e-mail address, daytime telephone contacts, qualifications, experience, present position, current remuneration, names and addresses of three referees should be emailed to
Applicants will also be required to provide the following:
  • A reference letter from their immediate past employer.
  • A character reference from an individual who has known the applicant for at least 3 years.
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted

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