Title: Senior Technical Consultant
Category and
Grade Level: International
consultant (P4 equivalent)
Type of
Contract: Special Service
Length Of
Contract: 6 weeks
Unit: PME
Station: Nairobi
Date of
Issue: 28 June 2013
Closing date
of Application: 7 July 2013
The last Situation
Analysis of Children was conducted by UNICEF in 1996. A Situation Analysis
(SitAn) is an assessment and analysis of the country situation, with respect to
children’s rights and development potential or critical issues.
It serves to increase understanding and to identify necessary action on issues affecting their realization. It also plays a formative role by improving the understanding of decision-makers, partners and stakeholders of the current status of children’s rights in the country and also the causes of inequities as the basis for policy formulation. The process is used to understand the causes of and linkages between problems affecting children and how a country’s human, social, economic and organizational resources and structures (including its policies and institutions) can contribute to solving these problems.
It serves to increase understanding and to identify necessary action on issues affecting their realization. It also plays a formative role by improving the understanding of decision-makers, partners and stakeholders of the current status of children’s rights in the country and also the causes of inequities as the basis for policy formulation. The process is used to understand the causes of and linkages between problems affecting children and how a country’s human, social, economic and organizational resources and structures (including its policies and institutions) can contribute to solving these problems.
While a Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) was
completed for the North (Somaliland and Puntland), unfortunately on-going
insecurity in Central and Southern zone of Somalia has meant little data and
analysis on the situation of children in these areas. Earlier this year, using
several available studies, surveys and programme evaluations, a team of two
consultants updated the Situation Analysis of Children and provided a first
draft of the document. The document covers an analysis of the national context
(political, socio-cultural, economic), child mortality, nutrition, health
services, water and sanitation, education and child protection. However, there
is some more work required to make the updated SitAn an effective advocacy and
programming tool that is based on wide sources of data available on children.
The Office is initiating the Mid Term Review (MTR) of the country programme
where the outcomes from an already conducted Strategic Moment of Reflection as
well as the SitAn will provide the background and analysis for the planning
exercises required before and after the MTR.
The New Deal for
Engagement in Fragile States was agreed at the Fourth High-Level Forum on Aid
Effectiveness in Busan in December 2011. A number of countries including Somalia
and several international organizations –– endorsed the agreement which
proposes five peace-building and state-building goals (PSGs), focuses on new
ways of engaging, and identifies commitments to build mutual trust and achieve
better results in fragile states. The PSGs are: 1) legitimate politics; 2)
justice; 3) security; 4) economic foundations and; 5) revenues and services.
The centerpiece of the New Deal is country owned and country led transitions
from fragility through one vision and one plan; with partners in development
harmonizing and aligning to the country owned plan.
With the emergence of
the New Deal, the UN Somalia Assistance Framework has been discontinued and
UNICEF needs to engage in reviewing and adapting its country programme to the new
assistance context and also focusing on contributing to the government plan for
achieving the New Deal goals. Furthermore, the end of Somalia’s political
transition presents an opportunity to establish a new partnership between the
international community and Somalia. The almost simultaneous end of the Somali
Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP) offers a timely opportunity to
streamline coordination structures and improve the systems for policy dialogue
in Somalia.
In this respect it
becomes a pre-requisite that the SitAn becomes a more robust document that
would be used for planning and as advocacy tool for UNICEF’s role in the new
humanitarian and development context of Somalia. Although a more comprehensive
situation analysis will be developed in the future, the updated SitAn needs
improvement and some aspects need to be finalized.
The SitAn for Somalia
should serve at least the following functions:
- Inform UNICEF country programme planning: The Situation Analysis offers an opportunity to feed into the Mid Term Review of UNICEF’s country programme
- Strengthen evidence-based policy advocacy: Based on evidence from this detailed analysis, UNICEF Somalia will enhance its policy advocacy and partnerships for realization of children’s rights,
- Focus attention on priority needs and reducing specific disparities in realization of global goals and human rights commitments.
- The Sitan will also provide the government and other partners with comprehensive equity-sensitive and evidence-based information on children for result-based decision-making. It will contribute to the formulation of key national strategies so that the priorities for the most disadvantaged children are integrated into National Plan within the framework of the New Deal.
The assignment is
expected to be undertaken by 1 international consultant to review and finalize
a human-rights based, equity-focused, gender-sensitive and child-centred SitAn.
a International consultant (individual SSA –P4 equivalent level):
The international consultant is expected to be in country for a total of 6
The required
background and experience for the international consultant is as follows:
- Advanced degree in the social sciences (sociology, anthropology, development studies), Economics/Statistics or related fields relevant for the assignment
- At least 10 years of research and other relevant professional experience
- Excellent facilitation and coordination skills
- In-depth knowledge of children’s rights, including CRC, CEDAW and other international legal instruments the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), World Fit for Children (WFFC), and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
- Knowledge and Demonstrated experience with Human Rights Based Approach to Programming (HRBAP)
- Institutional knowledge of the UN and UNICEF
- Proven experience in writing analytical papers on children and gender issues
- Familiarity with Somalia current national development priorities and challenges would be an asset
- Strong writing skills in English
- The consultant will be asked to submit 2 samples of previous similar work produced and at least 3 references.
The specific competencies and qualifications required of all consultants
are as follows:
- Good knowledge of the recent developments in the area of human rights in general and of children’s rights.
- Strong analytical skills and proficiency in writing in English.
- Ability to deliver quality reports/analysis and results in line with established deadlines.
- Experience of having participated previously in a UNICEF Situation Analysis will be a major advantage