
Monday, 24 March 2014

Researchers (2 Positions) (Kenyan Jobs, Jobs in Kenya March 2014)

Title: Researchers (2 Positions)

Partnership for Peace and Security (PfPS) is a platform that brings together various actors, institutions and organizations working in the field of peace and security in Kenya with an objective of providing a credible avenue for peace building and conflict prevention responses.
We do this through a joint framework of analysis, evidence-based programming and policy formulation through collaboration with state actors, civil society organizations, institutions of research and higher learning and think-tanks.
PfPS is seeking the services of two (2) researchers to conduct a study to assess the Role of Devolution on Peace and Security Landscape in Select Counties.
Background to the Study
Kenya is undergoing a raft of reform processes ranging from political to governance, with devolution expected to be the most transformative in terms of equity and redistribution of resources.

Devolution has largely been viewed by some as panacea to a myriad of conflicts in Kenya that have been attributed to unequal distribution of resources among other structural causes.
Conversely, devolution is also being associated with new and emerging conflicts in some counties; conflicts relating to political supremacy, identities and management of high value minerals and other natural resources.
Without a clear demarcation of the role, or contribution of devolution to the changing dynamic of peace and security in the country, and in specific counties, it is necessary to explore this relationship through a comprehensive study.
Objective of the Study
The overall objective of this assignment is to provide technical, policy and research support to PfPS through conducting a study in select counties to examine the role of devolution in the state of peace and security in those counties to enhance understanding of the this relationship and inform policy and programming interventions.

Scope of Work
  • Develop the methodology for the study including data collection and sampling;
  • On the selected counties, provide a justification explaining the sampling. This section of the report will draw on the county profiles conducted in 2013.
  • Thematic data collection (Both primary and secondary)
  • For the selected counties, provide a brief background of peace and security dynamics. This section will also draw on the county profiles conducted in 2013 to provide a baseline on the state of peace and security in those counties.
  • For the counties under study, assess the role (and shifts therein) that devolution has had on the peace and security landscape paying special attention to conflict trends, drivers, emerging threats/fault lines (if any); interventions/peace and security enablers in place in those counties; the actors involved in those interventions and their relationships;
  • Draw the relationship, if any, between devolution and (changing) peace and security dynamics in those counties;
  • Initiate and sustain collaboration with various stakeholders related to the assignment; 8. Special attention should be given to identifying opportunities for and making recommendations regarding community-based, youth-focused, political party engagement and other approaches to enhance dialogue and other conflict prevention measures;
  • Facilitate validation workshops, if any.
Duration of Assignment
  • 11 Working Days broken down into:
  • Desk Review 2 Days
  • Data Collection and Analysis 7 Days
  • Report Writing 2 Days
Required Skills and Experience
  • Masters Degree in Peace and Security Studies, International Relations, International Conflict Management, Social Science or related field;
  • Over 5 years research experience in peace and security (please provide evidence of this)
  • Thorough knowledge and demonstrated extensive experience in conflict prevention policy development, programming and advocacy;
  • Demonstrated experience in conducting conflict, political economy and governance analysis and in designing and managing multi-stakeholder participatory conflict analysis processes and methodologies;
  • Nuanced knowledge of conflict analysis tools and methodologies;
All Expressions of Interest should be sent to with the Subject Line “Independent Consultant Ref PfPS/HR/01” attaching your current CV containing three referees, and Letter of Motivation.
Please state your expected daily rate.

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