
Sunday, 24 November 2013


Title: Regional coordinator- Inclusive Modern Markets for Regional Office in Arusha, Tanzania 
Job purpose
to enhance the inclusion of small scale farmers in durable and fair trading relationships with private companies in the region by coordinating the regional IMM program

Reports to: Regional Representative
Position in the organization: Management Team of the Regional Office Arusha, Tanzania
at regional level:

  • develop, align and adjust program strategies and policies for inclusion of smallholder farmers in modern markets at national and regional level in line with the VE global strategies and policies
  • provide strategic, methodological and technical guidance to program staff to design, plan, implement, monitor and adjust actions achieving structural changes
  • coordinate actions at regional level promoting exchanges and up-scaling of inclusive business models and leading to structural changes at regional level
  • guide and supervise the alignment of the selected pilots with the strategy for inclusion and with their contribution to the planned structural changes
  • follow up and coordinate program staff to document and translate the outcomes of the pilots as evidence for achieving structural changes and up-scaling
  • follow up and coordinate the monitoring and documenting of changes at pilot level and structural changes in the various countries
  • advise and guide staff at antenna level on actions geared at achieving the structural change agendas (SCA) at national level
  • carry out actions geared at achieving the structural change agendas (SCA) at regional level
  • organize learning and reflection spaces on inclusive business models at regional level
  • monitor the establishment and strengthening of networking with other organizations in the region that have a stake in the structural change agendas
  • monitor the establishment and strengthening of close relationships with various private companies in the region interested in sustainable sourcing from smallholder farmers
  • analyze and document the changing regional context in relation to the business environment, the value chains, the market … and with regards to opportunities with/demands from other companies
  • make inventory and document experiences of other organizations with inclusive business models
  • collect and process information, analysis, lessons learned to allow program management to readjust its programs
Knowledge and skills :
  • Has an in depth understanding of the functioning of value chains from production to consumption
  • In depth knowledge of the institutional environment and how to bring about changes (Theory of Change)
  • Program Cycle Management
  • Facilitation of Multi-Stakeholders-Processes
  • Has a good understanding of regional and global market dynamics
  • Has a good understanding of sourcing policies of companies
  • Has a global vision, is able to see problems from different angles.
  • Communicates clearly in a variety of settings and styles and has good networking skills
  • Can persuade and inspire individuals and groups.
  • Has an understanding of how change happens
  • Can get messages across that have the desired effect
  • Inside expertise in horticultural (either worked in private sector or experience in implementation in VC in horticulture)
General skills:
  • Good computer operation Word, Excel, PowerPoint
  • Good proficiency in English (speaking and writing)
  • Strategic thinker
  • Entrepreneurial approach
  • Communicative networker
  • Systematic and analytical
  • Result-oriented
  • Facilitating
  • Coordinating
  • Flexible
  • Team-oriented
  • Learning-oriented
Master Degree in Agriculture, Economics, Rural Development or equivalent by experience

Experience :
At least 10 years of relevant experience, of which 5 years in value chain development in East Africa, working with a variety of stakeholders; experience in program management. Experience with advocacy and lobby is an asset.

To Apply: Send a copy of your Motivation Letter, CV, mention your Salary Expectation & Availability Date to
Please refer in the subject to the specific function you apply for.

Deadline for application is the 1st of December 2013.
Only short listed candidates will be contacted for an interview by phone or Skype on the 5th, 6th or 10th of December.

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