
Wednesday, 25 September 2013


Are you creative, inspiring, ambitious & hungry to work in a cutting-edge, award-winning organization?
If so, today could be your lucky day!
Well Told Story is looking for a new member to join its dynamic Emmy Award-winning transmedia production team. We hope to find an exceptional individual to take on the role of Art Producer for Shujaaz.FM.
Shujaaz.FM is a multi-award‐winning, multi‐media communications project that is inspiring and motivating millions of young Kenyans to take action to improve their lives and engage with urgent practical issues that shape their future. Shujaaz.FM aims to connect Kenya’s 27 million youth with ideas and opportunities that create employment, protect fragile livelihoods and environments, strengthen society and help them to engage authority in constructive, democratic ways.
The Art Producer is responsible for overseeing and coordinating the design and delivery of all artwork for the Shujaaz.FM comics and selected Well Told Story productions. The Art Producer will work in close collaboration with the Head of Production and Creative Producer in the delivery of assigned responsibilities
Key responsibilities & duties
1. Content Development
  • Actively participate in ‘story lining’ and script and design meetings with the Head of Production, the Creative Producer, the Radio Producer and other relevant team members to discuss and develop content for Shujaaz.FM Media.

2. Production of Artwork
  • Allocate Artists to create the artwork for each story campaign.
  • Communicate the content of the stories so that the Artists and Layout Designers are fully aware of the purpose and message of each story.
  • Develop, communicate and supervise the schedule of delivery of artwork from the various Artists and Layout Designers. The schedule will cover all stages of the creative process, including reviews by the Head of Production and the Creative Producer.
  • Supervise the process of amending the artwork to reflect internal feedback and insights from the field, together with Partner interaction.
  • Develop a database of suitable Artists who can be called upon when required.
  • Supervise the Layout Designers and Artists and ensure the artwork produced aligns to the agreed storyline, is creative, delivered on time and on budget, and meets the highest possible quality standards.
3. Print Management
  • Oversee delivery of print material to the printers.
  • Build a working relationship with the service providers including the printers.
  • Monitor the print quality of every print run and ensure that it meets agreed standards.

4. Project Management
  • Oversee all other design projects for Well Told Story.
  • Design the projects for Well Told Story where feasible.
  • Assess such projects – including reports and documentation - and recommend external designers as and when required.

Minimum Knowledge, Skills, Qualifications and Experience required for this Role
  • Excellent knowledge of layout design, typesetting and industry print standards.
  • Excellent knowledge of relevant software i.e. Adobe Suite: Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator.
  • Excellent communication skills with ability to manage conflict with diplomacy and build strong relationships.
  • Ability to translate complex concepts and ideas into focused, dynamic and exciting visuals.
  • Demonstrable ability to negotiate the complex dynamic between the Shujaaz.FM brand, the needs of our clients and the target audience.
  • Good organizational and time management skills, great attention to detail, able to manage multiple activities simultaneously, able to prioritize and deal with conflicting priorities.
  • Proactive attitude and ability to take initiative and work independently.
  • Ability to remain calm and work effectively under pressure. Sense of humour is a bonus!
  • Ability to supervise a team of artists and obtain results that are creative, on-point, on time and on budget.
  • Basic web maintenance skills are a distinct advantage.

Interested? Then email us at with the following information:
1. Tell us what you believe is the most important issue for Kenyan youth and why. (300 words max)
2. Design the script attached on Page 3 in a way that will communicate its empowering message to the youth in a fun and engaging way. (Layout size is A5 and your final design should be in print-ready format.)
3. A covering letter explaining why you want the job.
4. Your CV (include KCSE grade).
5. Your portfolio with relevant graphic work.

Only complete applications will be considered & responded to.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Closing date: End of Day: Thursday 26th September 2013

DJ B is the main character in the world of Shujaaz.FM and runs a pirate radio station. Deepti is his research assistant and she handles the gathering of information and dissemination to the audience.

“Niaje mayuts, ukiona umeshikwa na karao, jua constitution, kwa Bill of Rights, Article 49 inasema hivi:
  • Karao anafaa kukueleza kwa language una understand sababu ya kukuarest.
  • Uko na right ya kubaki kimia.
  • Unafaa kuachiwa uongee na advocate ama mtu yoyote ambaye anaweza kukusaidia.
  • Hufai kulazimiswa kukonfess kitu itakufunga.
  • Hufai kuwekwa pamoja na wasee washafungwa tayari.

DJ B says:
“Ukishikwa, hii ndio process unafaa kupitia:
  • Utaandikiwa charges kulingana na Penal Code.
  • Utapewa cash bail ama uekwe cell hadi upelekwe kotini.
  • Unasomewa makosa yako kotini.
  • Uta plead guilty ama not guilty.
  • Kama uko guilty, utafungwa ama uchapwe fine.
  • Ukishow koti hauko guilty, case yako inasikizwa in 14 days.
  • Unaweza pewa bail ukingoja case kusikizwa ama ukae remand.
  • Una right ya kulipiwa advocate na gava mwenye ataku represent.
  • Baada ya case kusikizwa, court inapeana verdict.
  • Ukipatwa guilty, unafungwa kwa period penal code imepeana kulingana na crime yako.
  • Kama hauko guilty, court itakusare.

Deepti’s Dictionary:
  1. Penal Code - Sheria zinaeleza punishments za crimes tofauti.
  2. Plead - Kusema vile unafeel.
  3. Guilty - Kukuwa responsible for makosa flani.
  4. Advocate - Lawyer ambae anaweza kukutetea kotini.
  5. Verdict – Uamuzi.
Click here to Download the full TOR for this position

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