
Saturday, 26 October 2013


Title: Clinical Officer

The Kenya AIDS NGOs Consortium (KANCO) is a national membership network of NGOs, CBOs, and FBOs, Private Sector actors and Research and Learning Institutions involved in or that have interest in HIV & AIDS and TB activities in Kenya. Its membership is open to all registered NGOs, CBOs, FBOs, PLHIV support organizations, Learning Institutions, public and private sector organizations in Kenya. The organization also provides for associate membership that includes individuals and International Non-Governmental Organization partners. Currently, KANCO has a membership of over 1000 organizations and numerous individuals that are networking, collaborating and are bound together by a common vision of a healthy Kenyan people with secure and sustainable access to HIV, TB and other public health care services.

KANCO’s overall goal is to provide leadership among civil society organizations contribution towards realization of universal access targets in Kenya. Its main focus is on three main strategic areas that include (a) Community Systems Strengthening (b) Improving policy forHIV/AIDS and TB © Institutional Systems Strengthening.
KANCO is seeking to employ a suitable person for the Clinical Officer Position To provide overall leadership to the Drop in Centre. In addition provide leadership and technical support to the management and running of the drop in centre for the provision of quality health related services.
How to apply:
Applications should be sent strictly via e-mail to Please note that we can only accept applications received by email. Applications received after the deadline time and date will not be accepted. Please submit a cover letter and a résumé. On the subject line, indicate the title of position.

KANCO is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate against: color, race, nationality, ethnicity, religion or belief, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, age, HIV/AIDS Status, and disability. Closing date: 08 Nov 2013. Only short listed candidates will be contacted

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